Home Echoes of CSOs Declaration of creation SouthernMediterranean Non-State Actors Platform in Fisheries and Aquaculture

Declaration of creation SouthernMediterranean Non-State Actors Platform in Fisheries and Aquaculture


Tunis August 20, 2019

• Considering the importance of the fisheriessector in the southernMediterranean countries and itseconomic and social role,

• Considering the efforts of international and regional structures supporting the participation of non-state actors in the formulation of decisions of particularinterest for the development of uniformpolicies and regulations for the sustainable management of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in developing countries; Member States of the African Union and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean;

• Considering the accession of Mauritanian non-state actors to the West African Platform during the workshop held in Lomé (Togo) from 19 to 21 September 2016,

• Considering the commonfeatures of the southernMediterranean, in particular the marine environment,

• Considering the non-participation of non-state actors in Egypt and Libya in anyregionalplatformdespitetheir importance in the fisheriessector of the African continent,

• Consideringthat the status of small-scalefishingremainsmarginalized and complains of numerousshortcomings and that the artisanal fishermanisstill operating underdifficult conditions,

• Considering the importance of dialogue, coordination and exchange of experiencesbetween non-state actors,

Following the subregional workshop to support professionalfishingorganizations in NorthAfricaorganized in Bizerte, Tunisia, from 24 to 26 September 2013, duringwhich the participants decided to create a fishingplatformincluding associations and professionalorganizations, weannounce the launch of the creation of a platform for non-state actors in fisheries and aquaculture in the southernMediterranean. This platformgenerallyaims to help theirmemberscontribute to the fightagainstpoverty and foodsecuritythrough the sustainabledevelopment of fisheries and aquaculture in the region. In particular, itaimsto:

  • Support fisheries and aquaculture stakeholders in SouthernMediterranean countries to ensure the effective implementation of the fisheries and aquaculture reformpolicyframework and strategy at local, national level and regional;
  • Ensure the principles of participatorygovernance of the fisheries and aquaculture sector and coherence and sustainability of policies and interventions to ensurefoodsecurity and sustainablelivelihoods for differentactors;
  • Providespace for coordination and pooling of non-state actors’ efforts to buildsolidarity, shareknowledge and experiences, and developregionalinitiatives;
  • Contribute to the dissemination of good practices and innovations, as well as the evaluation and dissemination of researchresults;
  • Promote initiatives for transparency, the ecosystemapproach and precautionaryprinciples in the fisheries and aquaculture sector;
  • Improving the governance and technicalcapacity building of non-state actors in areas related to the development of fisheries and aquaculture in their countries
  • Exchange of information on experiences and challenges arisingfrom the exploitation of sovereignfisheries;
  • seekfinancial and technicalresources for the properfunctioning and sustainability of thisplatform and establish and activate action plans;
  • Work and cooperatewith international and regionalorganizationssupporting the organization of the profession and thosefacilitatingtheir participation in the formulation of decisions at the international levelwith a view to rationalizing the exploitation of fisheryresources;

The founders of the platformagreed to facilitate and encourage the integration of variousprofessional and non-state organizations active in the fisheriessector in the southernMediterranean countries with the creation of two offices (an office for non-state actors in NorthAfrica and a second for southernMediterranean countries located on other continents).

A provisionalexecutive office has been created to prepare the draftstatutes, the internalregulations and the action plan for the nextperiod.

Contact us : southmedfish@gmail.com